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Allred Advocates for Tax-Payer-Funded Transgender Transition Surgeries & More

HOUSTON — Today, radical leftist Colin Allred signed a letter with other radical Democrats pleading for provisions for tax-payer-funded medical care for transgender people in the military to be included in the Fiscal Year 2025 National Defense Authorization Act.

What does this mean? 

These disturbed Democrats want to ensure that the U.S. Military can carry out transgender surgeries and facilitate transgender care for minors, including hormone therapy, puberty blockers, and other medical procedures. The letter affirms that funds from the Department of Defense may be used to facilitate sex change surgeries. 

Add this to the long list of Colin Allred’s radical record on transgender issues.


  • Colin Allred believes that the federal government should come in, overturn state law, and codify radical LGBTQ provisions into the law. 
  • Allred voted AGAINST the ‘Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act of 2023’, which would prohibit school athletic programs from allowing boys to participate in girls’ sports.
  • Colin Allred is an original co-sponsor of the Transgender Bill of Rights, which includes granting rights to transgender students to participate on sports teams and use school facilities that best align with their gender identity. 
  • Allred co-sponsored the Equality Act of 2023, which would allow shared facilities to be based on gender identity.
  • Colin Allred took to social media to applaud a 10-year-old transgender who spoke out against Texas’ law that prevents minors from accessing hormone therapies, puberty blockers, and transition surgeries.
  • Allred voted AGAINST the ‘Parents Bill of Rights’, which would require school districts to give parents access to curriculum and reading lists and would require schools to inform parents if school staff begin encouraging or promoting their child’s gender transition.
  • Allred has supported a Texas-based organization that supports gender transitions for Kids.

“Day after day Colin Allred shows Texans who he really is. He is a radical who will destroy Texas and America. His record on transgender issues puts our children and families at risk. The women and children of Texas simply cannot afford to have him as the next United States Senator representing Texas.” — Cruz Campaign spokesperson 

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