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Colin Allred Lies About Support of Boys Playing in Girls Sports

HOUSTON — Colin Allred, again, is lying about his record. He did it last week when he hit the airwaves to say that he didn’t support boys playing in girls’ sports, and he just did it again, live. 

Not only did Allred vote AGAINST the Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act of 2023, a bill that prohibits school athletic programs from allowing individuals whose biological sex at birth was male to participate in programs that are for women or girls, but he also has a long history of supporting this dangerous ideology.

  • Allred pretends to take a phone call as he dodges questions on his support for sex changes for minors and voting to allow men to compete in women’s sports.
  • Co-sponsored the Equality Act, which would allow biological men to use women’s bathrooms and locker rooms.
  • Publicly supported the idea of allowing biological men to compete in girls’ sports.
  • Referred to Texas outlawing biological men from competing in girls’ sports as a “dark, shameful moment.”
  • Allred is an original co-sponsor of the Transgender Bill of Rights, which includes granting rights to transgender students to participate on sports teams and use school facilities that best align with their gender identity. 
A Cruz Campaign spokesperson issued the following statement. 

“Why Colin Allred is blatantly lying when his stance on biological men playing in girls’ sports is clear as day is beyond comprehension. His campaign repeatedly seems to believe Texas voters are fools. They’ll find out that’s not the case the hard way on Election Day when Texans reject him as their next Senator.”
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