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Colin Allred’s Radical Record on Men in Women’s Sports

HOUSTON — This morning, The Texan News highlighted the Cruz Campaign’s ad buy, hitting Colin Allred over his terrible and dangerous record regarding biological men in women’s sports. 

The article states the following. 

“Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) is up this morning with two new television ads hitting Congressman Colin Allred (D-TX-32) over his previous votes against legislation that would have prohibited biological males from competing in women’s sports.

“The two ads — one titled ‘Agony of Defeat‘ and the other ‘Boys and Girls‘ — have more than $6.7 million behind them in a coordinated buy with the Republican Party of Texas; they’ll begin airing in Dallas, Houston, Austin, San Antonio, and the Waco-Bryan media market…

“Allred’s voting record cited in the ads include his April 2023 vote against the Protection of Women and Girls Sports Act; his opposition to the March 2023 Parental Bill of Rights, part of which would’ve required parental consent to change a child’s sex-based accommodations at school…

“During his first run for Congress, Allred criticized the Texas Legislature’s proposed bill that would have required schools to adopt a bathroom policy that lined up with biological sex and not gender identity — calling it a ‘shameful’ part of the state’s politics.

“And last year, Allred cosponsored ‘Transgender Bill of Rights‘ resolution that included provisions on the participation in sports based on gender identity and the elimination of restrictions on gender modification procedures…

“The sports issue in particular is a winning one for Republicans, and it’s a wonder why every Republican on the ballot isn’t running similar messaging where and when they can.”


A Cruz Campaign spokesperson issued the following statement. 

“Can’t Comment Colin has tried hiding his record voting time and time again to allow biological men to play in women’s sports. He willingly put girls in danger and destroyed the excitement that comes from fair competition. Colin Allred’s radical beliefs are dangerous for Texas children. Don’t believe him when he tells you otherwise. The proof is in the pudding.” 

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