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FACT CHECK: Colin Allred Flat Out Lies in Latest Ad

HOUSTON — In a recent ad, Colin Allred is on camera lying to the public, saying, “I don’t want boys playing in girls sports, or any of this ridiculous stuff Ted Cruz is saying.” 

Unfortunately for Allred, Congressional voting records are permanent, and time travel hasn’t been invented yet, so he can’t go back and change the fact that he voted AGAINST the Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act of 2023. 

This bill prohibits school athletic programs from allowing individuals whose biological sex at birth was male to participate in programs that are for women or girls.

So, if Colin Allred didn’t want boys playing in girls’ sports, why did he vote against this bill?

“This is truly desperate and pathetic. Things have gotten so bad for the Allred camp that they’ve resorted to flat-out lying on the airwaves. The logic here is truly mind-boggling, considering this is so easily debunked. 

With 25 days left until Election Day, Allred is making it clear he’ll do anything to cover up his radical ideology that he knows is not resonating with Texans. Hopefully, members of the media will call him on this, as Texans deserve to know the truth.” — Cruz Campaign spokesperson

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