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ICYMI — Chameleon Colin Is Bad For Texas Energy

HOUSTON — Today, The Texan published an article highlighting Colin Allred’s flip-flopping views on energy policy, depending on who he’s talking to and which office he’s running for.

The article highlights Allred’s bad record on energy and how disastrous he’d be for Texas’ oil and gas industry.

In part, the article states the following.

“Now running for statewide office in a red state, Allred’s voter base is no longer a blue House district — and an adjustment has been made.

“His posture differed when he first ran for the 32nd Congressional District.

“‘Right now, all of our climate scientists with very few exceptions are in a climate crisis and we have to do something and self correct immediately,’ Allred told progressive media organization The Young Turks during his 2018 congressional run. ‘We are in a position to lead the green energy revolution.’

“Allred knows those views from his first run are unpalatable for the Republican-leaning electorate in Texas.

“And while in Congress he took similar actions with his Democratic colleagues such as voting for the Climate Action Now Act, aimed at preventing President Donald Trump from exiting the Paris Climate Agreement; against the Restoring American Energy Dominance Act, which Texas Reps. Henry Cuellar (D-TX-28) and Vicente Gonzalez (D-TX-34) crossed party lines to support; and did not join four of his colleagues calling for the Biden administration to end its moratorium on oil and gas drilling leases on federal lands…

“Some call that flip-flopping. Others call that evolution. But everyone knows what it is.”

A Cruz Campaign spokesperson issued the following statement.

“No matter the issue, Colin Allred has a different view depending on who he’s speaking to. He’s nothing more than a chameleon. 

“Texas is our nation’s energy leader, and we deserve a senator who will fight to keep the Lone Star State energy independent and dominant. Chameleon Colin Allred can flip-flop all he wants, but as The Texan article says, everyone knows what this is.”

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