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ICYMI: Colin Allred Embraces Anti-Semitic Pastor

HOUSTON — In June, Colin Allred visited Dallas’s Friendship-West Baptist Church as part of his campaign. He was embraced and spoke alongside Rev. Frederick D. Haynes III, a radical antisemite who accused Israel of ‘Apartheid’ one day after Oct. 7. 
Colin Allred isn’t the only Democrat Rev. Haynes is friends with—he also has close ties to Kamala Harris. It is not surprising that Harris and Allred have yet another thing in common. 
Today, the Free Beacon published an article that in part states the following: 
“When Texas Rep. Colin Allred (D.) visited Dallas’s Friendship-West Baptist Church in June, the pastor, Rev. Frederick D. Haynes III, was already known for praising anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan as a ‘wonderful man’ and delivering an anti-Israel, anti-American rant the day after the Oct. 7 terrorist attacks. But Allred didn’t hesitate to embrace the radical pastor on stage.
“Allred’s coziness with the pastor—who has described the congressman as a ‘brother’—could dent the moderate image that Allred has sought to portray in his bid to unseat Republican Sen. Ted Cruz. Haynes blessed Allred’s campaign twice in sermons on Sept. 17, 2023, and June 9, 2024, a Washington Free Beacon review found.

“Haynes, who has close ties to Vice President Kamala Harris, praised Allred as a ‘mighty good man’ in the sermon last year, and joked that the lawmaker’s appearance at the church could be used against him ‘on Fox News.’

“Weeks later, Haynes delivered an explicitly anti-Israel sermon, accusing Israel and the United States of “apartheid.”

“‘I recognize that we gotta be pro-Israel … or we get in trouble,’ Haynes said on Oct. 8, a day after Hamas slaughtered 1,200 Israelis. ‘Well, I’m coming to get in trouble.’

“That didn’t deter Allred, who embraced Haynes on the church stage in a sermon on June 9. ‘I’m really glad today to have a history-making, game changing brother,’ Haynes said, referring to Allred…
“At the Democratic convention in 2020, Haynes said supporters of the southern border wall ‘may well go to hell.’ He has compared supporters of police officers to the Ku Klux Klan. Haynes supports cash reparations for slavery, and has organized events at his church in favor of critical race theory, which holds that American society is inherently racist.

“And he has worked closely with prominent anti-Semites…Allred’s campaign did not respond to a request for comment.”


A Cruz Campaign spokesperson issued the following statement. 
“The old saying goes — ‘When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.’ Colin Allred’s campaign has tried to brand him as a moderate, but his record and the company he keeps paint a very clear picture of who he is: a radical, far-Left Democrat who will work against the best interest of Texans. 
“Can’t Comment Colin has shown us where his allegiances are, and it’s not with the Jewish community, the middle class, law enforcement officers, or your everyday Texan. On November 5, his act will come to an end, and Texans will reject him.”
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