Standing Up for Our Soldiers and Veterans

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Standing Up for Our Soldiers and Veterans
- Ted's bipartisan CADET Act—now law—is ending the longstanding U.S. military academy policy that forced female cadets to give up their children or quit the academies if they became pregnant.
- Ted successfully fought for portions of his AMERICANS Act to be included in the annual National Defense Authorization Act, ending the DOD’s unjust and discriminatory COVID-19 vaccine mandate that the Biden administration was using to punish soldiers who had concerns with the safety of the vaccine.
- Ted also fought for religious freedom in the military, defending Navy SEALs who were suing the Biden administration over the Defense Department’s vaccine mandate.
- Every year, Ted secures wins for America’s military and Texas soldiers, veterans, and bases in military funding legislation.
- Ted has won $158 million for military construction projects in Texas.
- Ted fought for veterans and successfully required the VA Secretary to provide Congress with a plan to address the long wait times for veterans seeking health care at the South Texas Veterans Health Care System.
- Ted worked in a bipartisan way to rename a Houston post office after Army Spc. Vanessa Guillén, a Houston resident who was murdered.
- Ted kept the Department of Defense from reducing the number of B-1 bombers until B-21 bombers were ready to replace them.
- Ted was successful in securing several key provisions in the Senate NDAA that deepen and sustain the critical role that Texas plays in advancing America’s national security and economic prosperity, including ensuring that existing B-1 bomber wings, including at Abilene’s Dyess Air Force Base, remain in service through at least 2026 unless replaced by newer B-21 bombers.
- Ted voted to pass the PACT Act, expanding healthcare benefits for Veterans.
- Ted introduced the VA Aid Act to Streamline the VA Pension Claim Process for Low-Income, Senior Veterans.
- Ted introduced the VA Information Technology Restructuring Act to ensure veterans receive quality healthcare.
- Ted co-introduced the Veterans’ Health Care Integrity Act to ensure the VA complies with scheduling policies.
- Ted co-sponsored the Military Widow’s Tax Elimination Act of 2019 to ensure fair survivor benefits.
- Ted co-introduced a bipartisan resolution designating April 18 as "Military Retiree Appreciation Day,” to honor the past and continued service of service members.
- Ted co-introduced a bill to rename the Post Office in Mission, TX as the “Mission Veterans Post Office Building,” as a tribute to men's and women’s brave sacrifices.
- Ted introduced the VET Protection Act to ensure veterans’ needs take priority.
- Ted co-introduced the bipartisan and bicameral Scheduling for Community Health and Easy Data to Understand for Legislators to Evaluate Services (SCHEDULES) Act to require the VA to establish a standard for timing between referrals and appointments